
2023-03-09 08:47:00 - 得帆信息

近日,全球最具影响力的研究和咨询公司之一——Forrester 发布《Case Studies: Manufacturers In China Accelerate Value Delivery With Low Code》报告,即中国制造业厂商使用低代码加快价值传递的案例研究。Forrester选择并重点研究了四个案例来显示中国制造业厂商如何利用低代码平台开拓新的业务以及探索新的商业模式,并对低代码平台的使用价值逐步上涨的趋势做出了分析。

近日,全球具有影响力的研究和咨询公司——Forrester 发布《Case Studies: Manufacturers In China Accelerate Value Delivery With Low Code》报告,即中国制造业厂商使用低代码加快价值传递的案例研究。Forrester选择并重点研究了四个案例来显示中国制造业厂商如何利用低代码平台开拓新的业务以及探索新的商业模式,并对低代码平台的使用价值逐步上涨的趋势做出了分析。












  • 因COVID-19引起的对人员自由活动的限制和物流的中断,加剧了劳动力的短缺;
  • 原材料价格的波动和严重的芯片短缺使供应链管理更加复杂。












  • 提高工作流程的效率和效益,满足降本增效的数字需求。

  • 让IT运营更加灵活,IT技术团队可以使用低代码平台来支持企业的数字化转型计划。

  • 加强业务人员和IT技术人员之间的合作。







JAC Motors Enhanced Its Data Middle Office Strategy


Over the past 20 years, JAC Motors has built more than 100 systems to support its operations. But theresulting data silos now prevent it from delivering applications quickly, hindering the company’s growth. JAC Motors planned a “data middle office” strategy to improve data management and make application delivery more efficient and effective. The company adopted a low-code development platform together with integration and data management platforms from Definesys to design a unified data system and tech architecture. With these platforms, JAC Motors:

Accelerated delivery by breaking down silos. The firm broke down data silos by connecting heterogeneous systems like ERP, product lifecycle management, and dealer management systems. It built more than 100 APIs on the Definesys DeFusion integration platform, making data more accessible to both citizen and professional developers. Combined with the Definesys DeCod low-code development platform, the new solution accelerates application delivery and reduces development costs. JAC Motors delivered a project previously expected to require 1,000 person-days within 200 person-days. 

Accelerated troubleshooting with insights. As part of the data middle office strategy, JAC Motors needed to build an enterprise data foundation that keeps data in sync with analytics and enable insights. The firm built low-code applications to capture and ingest data from experts. Feeding this data to its business intelligence platform gave JAC Motors a 360-degree view of order-to-delivery processes in its global business.The firm also built a web app to display the collected raw data;this enabled traceability, which improved troubleshooting efficiency. 

Enabled citizen developers and improved collaboration. More than 20 business users at JAC Motors can now deliver custom software for simple, routine workflow processes or formbased apps. For more complex projects, the low-code platform facilitates collaboration between business experts and developers, who can use a WYSIWYG development environment to discuss and confirm requirements based on visual prototypes. The low-code development platform gave JAC Motors’ business users a modern, effective way to collaborate.

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